
Listening to: From the Choirgirl Hotel. Not for long, though... it's not really matching my mood quite like I was expecting it too.

Currently Reading: Just barely started Jonathan Lethem's Gun, With Occasional Music. Kind of saving it for the train, as well as a stack of others (both fiction and non). Also, I recently read Laurie Notaro's I Love Everybody (and Other Atrocious Lies): True Tales of a Loudmouth Girl (again) in like two days, and peed myself laughing. Highly recommended. I also devoured The Broke Diaries by Angela Nissel in, like, a mere few days. Laughed until I peed. Also highly recommended.

Wishing: income. Lots of it. Other than that, life's pretty good.

I couldn't be more The current mood of ronkc@diaryland.com at www.imood.com right now.

Buy "Civilised Conversation..." Merchandise! Please? All the cool kids are doing it....

Please help me pay for college by purchasing items from Amazon.com through this link!!

Do you love me?

2001-08-14 | 9:13 a.m.

2nd broken scale.


I really need to change my shirt. It's more snug than is comfortable. It also looks fairly trashy. *Yes* I bought it for $5, but I *am* at work. I'm also larger than I should be, especially in this.

Today is Kimberly's last day. A sad, sad day in the evolutionary spiral of humanity. We'll miss her, but we'll stay in touch, of course.

Tonight I have dinner with Michael and Roz. That should be interesting. It's good to see him again.

I'm at work right now.

Work sucks.

Sucks so hard, it blows.

I ordered business referals from a company. I should be getting them soon so I can expand my business. I look forward to that. I've been needing to do that for quite some time. That's a bit off my shoulders, and after I get everyone/everything squared away, things will be so much better.

I transplanted my jades last night. A dirty, dirty, job, but I'm glad I did it.

I bought a scale yesterday, and I was going to weigh myself last night, and it said I only weighed 20 pounds. Although very, very pleased with this result, I knew that the damned thing was broken... I looked at the underside of it, and it seems that it wasn't manufactured properly. I'm going to send it back and get another one. I can't believe it... This is the second scale of mine that was broken in 5 years! What's up with that? Is someone trying to tell me something?!?

I'm really beginning to think that I either need a chiropractor or a massage... or both. Sometimes (especially first thing in the morning), I'm really sore and my back hurts... it feels like I had been beaten with a twobyfour in the middle of the night. By aliens. From another planet.

An international student came here from France yesterday, and I got to meet him... he's tres sympathiqe. He speaks in English, and I speak French, so we both get to practice... It works out really well. Il s'appelle Julien.

Anyway, I have to get back to work, but that's what's going on here.


Oh, Whoops. - 10:34 PM , 02 September 2005

In Like Hula-Hoops. - 11:28 PM , 12 April 2005

A - Z - 4:37 AM , 26 March 2005

w00t - 12:15 AM , 25 March 2005

Just Let Her Go. - 12:12 AM , 20 March 2005


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