
Listening to: From the Choirgirl Hotel. Not for long, though... it's not really matching my mood quite like I was expecting it too.

Currently Reading: Just barely started Jonathan Lethem's Gun, With Occasional Music. Kind of saving it for the train, as well as a stack of others (both fiction and non). Also, I recently read Laurie Notaro's I Love Everybody (and Other Atrocious Lies): True Tales of a Loudmouth Girl (again) in like two days, and peed myself laughing. Highly recommended. I also devoured The Broke Diaries by Angela Nissel in, like, a mere few days. Laughed until I peed. Also highly recommended.

Wishing: income. Lots of it. Other than that, life's pretty good.

I couldn't be more The current mood of ronkc@diaryland.com at www.imood.com right now.

Buy "Civilised Conversation..." Merchandise! Please? All the cool kids are doing it....

Please help me pay for college by purchasing items from Amazon.com through this link!!

Do you love me?

17 January 2003 | 12:28 AM

In the shower...


So I get in the shower this morning here in the dorms. It smells like dildo.

I look around. "What smells like dildo," I ask myself.

Then I noticed the new shower curtains!! I love new shower curtains. Especially since the old ones went way past the floor, so you would always trip over it. It was bad.

But now we have a new shower curtain that smells like dildo. Much better!

I placed a personal ad in the local free weekly. It was very poorly written, and I forgot to include my age. I don't think there was enough information in it. No one is going to call me. Whatever. I keep searching the online ads, too, but there's only one or two people who fit my criteria (very open) whose criteria I fit (very slim). It's very difficult being 20 and overweight and looking at personal ads. I'm going to be single the rest of my life. Maybe I'll score a dinner/movie out of it, though. Shit.

Anyway. Have to get tickets tomorrow. Should wrap this one up.


Oh, Whoops. - 10:34 PM , 02 September 2005

In Like Hula-Hoops. - 11:28 PM , 12 April 2005

A - Z - 4:37 AM , 26 March 2005

w00t - 12:15 AM , 25 March 2005

Just Let Her Go. - 12:12 AM , 20 March 2005


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