
Listening to: From the Choirgirl Hotel. Not for long, though... it's not really matching my mood quite like I was expecting it too.

Currently Reading: Just barely started Jonathan Lethem's Gun, With Occasional Music. Kind of saving it for the train, as well as a stack of others (both fiction and non). Also, I recently read Laurie Notaro's I Love Everybody (and Other Atrocious Lies): True Tales of a Loudmouth Girl (again) in like two days, and peed myself laughing. Highly recommended. I also devoured The Broke Diaries by Angela Nissel in, like, a mere few days. Laughed until I peed. Also highly recommended.

Wishing: income. Lots of it. Other than that, life's pretty good.

I couldn't be more The current mood of ronkc@diaryland.com at www.imood.com right now.

Buy "Civilised Conversation..." Merchandise! Please? All the cool kids are doing it....

Please help me pay for college by purchasing items from Amazon.com through this link!!

Do you love me?

28 May 2004 | 12:27 AM



First things first: drunk. I appologize for any misspellings in this entry.

I'm having boy troubles. Enough said. If you need more information, you have to buy me a drink. Or two.

I've been getting drunk a lot lately. So I'm glad. That's what your senior year should be all about. Even though I've been pretty much putting off daily drunkenness untill these last two weeks, I'm still glad.

I guess my apartment manager is having some problems. I guess the manager of the twin building got the shaft and was "let go" (which I think is bullshit-- he did a GREAT job, and he was an effing stud-- I would have done him in a minute). Also, they want my manager to move (which would suck, since he's also my neighbor, and a great one at that, and he and his partner are both effing HOT and I don't WANT them to move). They're also thinking about moving my manager's office into the sister building's office, which would not be cool, and then turning his office into a TV room, painted lime green with purple couches, which is also not cool. Further, they're thinking about changing the name of our building into "The Dorms." Which would be WAY not cool. I might even move if they did that. Because Jesus Tap-dancing Christ.

Also, I'm worried that my best friend may have broken up with me because her memory was playing tricks on her (from a drunken night in the not too distant past). And now she won't speak to me, and it really hurts. Because, it's like a four-year friendship. I think the least she could do is to lay out what's going on. Anyway.

Again, reiterating that I'm drunk.

I should probably go to bed. Probably not going to be a problem.



Oh, Whoops. - 10:34 PM , 02 September 2005

In Like Hula-Hoops. - 11:28 PM , 12 April 2005

A - Z - 4:37 AM , 26 March 2005

w00t - 12:15 AM , 25 March 2005

Just Let Her Go. - 12:12 AM , 20 March 2005


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